W zasadzie nie wiem jak przetłumaczyć "Beat" - hitting, rhythm? I wrote a script looking for beats in the audio file. As a material for analysis served as the first 10 seconds the song. Beat stroke is defined as the instantaneous power signal, which is perceived by the ear as a louder sound. Read more here:
average = [] # moments in which you found the beat beats
= [] while # check the last 42 averaging, ie, ~ 1s
if (sum (average [-42:]) / 42 * C # print "Beat @", i * k + N / 2, "and", and beats . append (i)
i + = 1
numpy.array average = (average)
# scaling ybeats to 2 times the average energy at a given point (for clarity)
numpy.ones ybeats = (shape = len (beats))
for i, b in enumerate (beats):
ybeats [i] *= satisfactory [b] * 2 #
drawing graphs (very similar to Matlab)
pyplot.plot (average)
pyplot.hold (True)
pyplot.stem (beats ybeats, 'k')
pyplot.title ("Beats")
pyplot.savefig ("/ home/daniel/Obrazy/steady10sbeats.png)
pyplot.show ()
And here is the result:
Luckily Steady As She Goes is a very clear rhythm in the beginning, so it is easy to detect. The next step will be to analyze more difficult material.
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