Friday, March 5, 2010

Adult Stores Orange County

beat detection and analysis of sound

script that analyzes the volume stored in the wav file written in Python. Average value is calculated in a window of length N. The next window is k, k + N-1, 2 * k 2 * k + N-1, ... Where k
__author__ = "daniel"

__date__ = "2010-03-04 0:21:00 $ $" import from wavfile

import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

if __name__ == "__main__": <= length:

# load file
< srednia[-1]):
fs, data = ("/ home / daniel / Music / labedzie.wav)

# combining two channels into one

data = data [:, 0] / 2.0 + data [:, 1] / 2.0

# normalization

data = data / max (data)

# of samples will be enough to jump at the analysis

k = fs / 10

# length window analysis Hosted by N = 2 ** 13 < N to okna się nakładają. Na końcu z pomocą biblioteki matplotlib rysowany jest wykres głośności.
 # number of samples in the file 

length, = dane.shape

average = []

while i * k + N
srednia.append (abs (data [i * k i * k + N-1]. mean ()))
i + = 1

pyplot.plot (average)
pyplot.title ("volume graph")
pyplot . show ()


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