Monday, January 31, 2011

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European historical consciousness in the future: possible forecasts

European historical consciousness today a crisis like the rest of Europe, has officially united and seemingly historically bearing their burden "old lady", the patron nations. However, such an established relationship in Europe and non-Europe resemble the relationship between parents and children, when some time later - older children and aging parents - Do not learn to have younger seniors, and vice versa. Development of the world is extremely dynamic, and the dynamics behind this is not something that should keep pace but to lead it.

European historical consciousness has itself as such and the meaning of individual words is a very vague meaning, requiring konretizirovaniya and is in a constant state of discourse. Firstly, the value of the "European". Secondly, the importance of "historical" or, more precisely, the approach to this "historic". Europe today is not a geographically or geopolitically outlined I territory, and especially the notion of a certain type of culture, thinking, worldview, which corresponds to the type of European democratic free post-revolutionary bourgeois Europe. "Historic" is difficult not determine how the concept of the word, but his relative, ie, European history can be interpreted one way the French, and other Greeks. The history of every nation mythologized, and each has it own. Geographical Europe is a collection of nations and the state of devices have different approaches to history and its vision / interpretation. On the other hand, if we define Europe not as a territorial unit, there is scope historicity even more blurred. What is the history of European and non-Europe? Herein lies a major challenge, entailing the transformation of concepts and the European Science historical consciousness.

the last 50 years, Europe extensively exported its culture to Asia, Europe, in turn, Americanized, while it used to be heavily Europeanized North America. We should expect analagichnoy feedback and from Asia.

Today the process of interchange occur more markedly by the rapidity of motion of any processes occurring in modern times. Today, however, does not have the scale mezhduusoby who turned Europe, the Middle Ages in the field of battle. War and conquest as a rule led to predatory action - seizure of territories with authentic people, or trapping themselves as representatives of the State with which they fought.

migration (or that its terms) took place at all times, therefore say that France - a French, Germany - Germans, Europe (territorial) - Europeans are not as obvious as today, and for several centuries ago.

enough to recall the expansion of British, French in the southern territory, the other continents to see how far and wide stretches Europe. Even if they did not want to spread their "European" culture on newly conquered territory, assuming there the slum people nizzhego quality they willingly or unwillingly prevnosili in their lives their culture, poglaschaya, just willy-nilly, a foreign culture, brought her together with another or with immigrants new lands back to their European homeland. Migrant and integrate itself into the community, taking the rules inherent in the new environment, but interpritiruya in accordance with their customary way of thinking and perception of the environment, reuniting in himself and his own local culture.

Eropeyskomu historical consciousness as well as the very concept of European demands to give a broader meaning and, unfortunately, is the same as Eropeyskost more blurred. EU slogan "unity in diversity" can be quite successful approach to the concept of European, but how widespread is the notion of diversity. Most likely there because of the diversity of those kultur / natsy that fill geographical Europe - today should expand this concept to the global scale. In the case of tacos, comes true, because in Europe today and the historical lack of minorities from very remote parts of the world. In addition, this approach deprives us of the dispute the ownership of any nation, territory, natsyi to the "historic" Europe. In the days of deep crisis in the political union combining many of the Greeks, perhaps with great pleasure that attributed to themselves as Eastern culture (or at least, the Mediterranean), but does not to Europe with all its Baltic and Nordic countries, and especially to England, as a separate island. Establishment of production and trade ties with Iceland, Greeks, it is quite obvious would prefer to Libya, Egypt, Syria, sootsetstvenno part of the culture and learn from them, but not from the "northern" eropeytsev. The only one of evropetsev would not want to voluntarily refuse to be the heir of the great philosophers of the "Europeans" as Socrates and others (who themselves had no idea that once will be constructed in such a "rank").

European status for its avoidance should be revised to be mummified themselves without preconceptions, and decentralization, open to the world and not be afraid of change (at least, because they still are not avoided), but be prepared for them. Thus, and Eropeyskoe itoricheskoe consciousness needs modification. This is likely to manifest itself in reviewing the history of Europe in the context of world history, when the set of narratives can be collected together, and reunite in a relatively, but still, the overall story. An even more approximate to the impartiality and critical to consider history as everyday life, which can lead to life-estimated influences, culture, establishment and development of humanity today and, accordingly, the vision prospects for its development, planning methods and directions of this.

taking responsibility to clean the European consciousness, attention should be given knowledge and understanding of their past crimes (albeit long ago).

wave of national revolutions took place, and more than the national raroznennosti or emphasize anyone's benefits through the events of history - and thus downplaying those upon whom these benefits were - today is the trend of individualization in globalization.

Europe - is much more deeper and more complicated than the French Revolution and the Christian knights of the Order. If you turn erased a one-sided story of the events in historical anthropology, the highest European historical consciousness acquire new meaning, where the history of history will be considered as a story of human history. European history should revive the additional inks doing so to date.

What touching Belarus, its place in the European historical consciousness empty (probably due to lack of Professionals), and possibly through the expansion of the frontiers of the European historical consciousness, it can be filled with a well-deserved involvement.


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