Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Buy Dr Hauschka In Germany


... I'll be back after 2 weeks away (remember me yet:). Unfortunately, I managed to catch Potwornicką and ill Potwornicka worse than the plagues of Egypt ... ill Potwornicka, who eventually learned to speak further complicates the matter, because I can no longer pretend not to understand the messages broadcast in suahilii ... now messages are clear, explicit and does not leave doubt and it is obvious that the mother can not manage your own affairs, when coming from another room a dramatic cry of "Mom, pomuś, did bear pee. "

verbalization Potwornickiej also made it clear to her mother that she will behold some, if not several years, the purple wrap up in public places, such as recently in the clinic, where the pretty girl with the face of Cupid, the enchantment the whole queue considered that viewers should be something extra, and came out into the middle of the corridor and awaited until everyone pay attention to her, climbed a finger to your nose and giggling maliciously announced in a loud voice, "bullfinch ".... what we eat and did .. . next time we go to the clinic in bags on their heads, so that nobody recognized us;)

But to the point, now more than two-month arrears, which is almost the final version of the nasal secretions koneserki peace;)

overall projection was, but there are several close-ups:

and crafts details of which I am quite proud, though, as usual shortcomings is a measure of what is not:)

stool (visible and above) inspired by the work of Luge. Pouf was originally an addition to the big-bag chair in color angry pink. Furious Rose landed in the trash, and got a crochet pouf gown in colors that match the rest of the room:

Gazetnik for children enthusiast magazines, with my variation on the quilt bumblebee flight;):

I cover two new caps, using existing lampshade:

still waiting on more sewing patchwork quilts .... but I still wait, because now it is time to craft Christmas. Sling has already half the length and so far only 500 mesh width, P Next time I choose, however, the thicker the yarn;).

also took the mat at the end of the playful Potwornickiej ... original project was okrojeniu, because after sewing the first block, it became clear that at this rate the gift will be ready for Easter ...

In the next post at the end of the promised giveaway - light has changed because of the inability to perform two identical mittens ... but it's the same you'll see;)

I praise the unexpected happiness - because in Rozdawajce Ivalii lottery did not report the person to re-draw was held and this time I won:)) I can not wait to have these beauties - especially an angel, for which we optimistically booked a place on the wall, as yet not known to the lottery results ;)

And finally, to slightly blur the low opinion of Potowornickiej brag that my child is too unruly and other talents in addition to compromising the mother's skills in public places. A few days ago, Grandma's birthday, on his own free will and without any help mothers make so here's flatter me:

Maziaje in the center to illustrate the 'big plezent "and is a typical two year old graphic form of expression, and green flower, and in particular bear the arms and legs placed in the right places almost threw me knees, because I was sure that it is still too early for such work (quietly admit that I cried a little with emotion, as I saw this .... but quietly re, Gajowa hard because a woman is, incapable of emotion;)


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